Sunday, December 14, 2008

Minnesota is still lovely

I love Lake Superior! This was taken on a rather stormy day on the North Shore. Wouldn't it be nice to have a home on the shore? Guess I need to win the lottery!

Had to post a picture of the moon from Friday, December 12! It was absolutely beautiful and at the perigee, closer to the earth than it will be again for many years. Thanks to my sister, Sharon, for the email about the BIG moon! We took a couple of pictures and hurried inside because it was about 20F and windy! The warmth of the house was calling to us.

It HAS been more than a month since I updated the blog! Blame my sister, Dianne, for keeping me so busy while I was in Minnesota and my son, daughter-in-law and grandgirls for keeping me busy in Indiana?! I did get my driver's license renewed while passing through South Dakota - oh, and picked up my mail to save on the postage once in five years. Drove within a few miles of one of my Jeff Gordon Network friends and didn't know it until I was already in South Dakota and too far from Nebraska to turn back. Next time, Tanya!

I had a wonderful Thanksgiving with my sister Dianne, her husband Bob and tons of his brothers, sisters-in-law, grandkids, nieces and nephews. Thanks to Dianne for the showers and the use of her laundry facilities while I was in MN. It got VERY cold while I was there but now it is VERY VERY cold there and VERY cold here in Indiana. Had propane delivered one time and had to drive to the neighborhood Holiday station to fill it up another time. I'm learning how to keep the pipes from freezing in the RV while using less propane and more electric heat. Need to get some propane here this week. Too bad I can't have it delivered, but no such luck.